The article deals with parenting as an integral part of family relations. For successful parenting a father and a mother must have parental maturity. Currently, the society conception of the family is undergoing transformation. Young people approach with seriousness the problem of creating a family and the responsibility imposed on them. Responsibility serves as the basement for parental maturity. Experience of parenthood can affect parental maturity. In the process of raising a preschool child mature mother’s position is most important. The development of mother’s socio-cultural position contributes to the successful all-round development of the child. The socio-cultural position of the mother is based on the values transmitted by modern society. In the end the article considers the current programs development of “mature parenthood” in Russia.
Keywords: family, mother, child, father, siblings, parental maturity, social and cultural position
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 38 — 45
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