The problem of students’ self-realization is particularly relevant for the higher professional education institutions training specialists for the railway industry. Railway Engineer profession raises standards to the individual, so the analysis of student’s personal qualities allows one to define future careers perspectives while studying at university. This paper presents theoretical and methodological bases of research problems for academic and professional self-realization of railway engineering students. The concepts of “students’ self-realization”, “professional self-realization” are revealed, as well as some peculiarities of railway engineering students’ self-realization. The components of the self-realization process are analyzed; cooperation forms and methods of the railway university students’ self-realization in academic and professional activity are given.
Keywords: self-realization, students’ self-realization, academic and professional activity, professional self-realization
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 97 — 102
Downloads: 914