Due to the changes of the state policy in pre-school education the task to develop ability for making up fairy-tales as one of the forms of children’s abilities for speech creativity has acquired special importance. As a result of finding out psychological and psycho-linguistic pre-conditions for the child’s speech creativity, we single out two interrelated components in senior pre-schoolers’ ability to make up fairy-tales. Explanations of the interconnection of psychic processes in the structure of the ability to make up fairy-tales, specific characterizations of constituent mechanisms of the development of this ability with senior pre-schoolers have supplied a basis for creating diagnostic methods that allow to implement monitoring of this ability by several criteria at one and the same time.
Keywords: speech creativity, ability to make up fairy-tales, senior pre-schoolers, monitoring, diagnostic methods
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 108 — 117
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