The article focuses on the current state of the content of educational activity in the conditions of implementation of the new federal state standard of preschool education. The author analyzes educational technologies, most commonly used by teachers of preschool educational institutions to change the conditions of the educational activities in kindergarten. Emphasizes the open joint activity of the teacher and the child as an important unit of the content of preschool education. Explaines the necessity of changing educational activity of the senior preschool children. Shows the significance of reorientation of knowledge and skills as the main educational components to the new educational units: the joint action of the teacher and the child. Provides the arguments about the importance of free choice of the child with participation in educational activities: the ability of the child to take the initiative and independence in different activities, independently and consciously make the choice.
Keywords: content of educational activities, educational practice, joint educational activity, targets, federal state educational standard of preschool education
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 118 — 123
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