The article presents an analysis of the scientific contribution of employees and teachers of psychology of Buryat State Pedagogical Institute (now – Buryat State University) in formation and current state of the higher psychological education in Eastern Siberia. Chronologically presented the contents of the main stages of history of development of sociopsychological faculty of Buryat State University from the moment of organization of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology in 1932 to the present. Destinies and biographies of the first teachers of psychology, who made the most noticeable contribution to the organization of teaching psychological disciplines in higher education institution are traced. Notes the role of famous Russian scientists from the central universities and the leading psychological agencies of the country (research supervisors of graduate students, scientific consultants of doktorants), with support and assistance of which in the second half of the XX century training of highly qualified specialists for the leading higher education institution of Buryatia was carried out. It is shown that more than half a century later, the educational and scientific traditions of training in psychological disciplines put by the first teachers, are adequately continued by the new generations of university teachers–graduates of sociopsychological faculty of Buryat State University in the organization of educational process on the relevant departments and faculties of psychology of the Siberian and Russian higher education institutions.
Keywords: history of education, psychological education, Eastern Siberia, Buryat State Teacher Institutions, Buryat State University, department of psychology, teacher of psychology
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 151 — 160
Downloads: 970