The article presents the procedure of approbation of the module “Methodology and methods of psychological-pedagogical activity” of the basic professional educational bachelor program in the direction of preparation “psychological-pedagogical education” (kindergarten teacher), based at Pedagogical department of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Describes the the experience of participation in the federal experiment on a practice-oriented approach applied in the preparation of bachelors for work in the sphere of preschool education. Provides the description of the contents of the module and analyzes the experience of realization of the basic disciplines, practices, practical work in partnership with teachers of higher education, secondary vocational education and preschool education. In the process of approbation of the module positive effects emerged among all of the participants. Among students there was noticed interest towards the educational process, engagement in the educational process, successful understanding of the module, partnership with the teachers, interest in the teaching profession in 100% of the cases. There was notices a positive motivation towards educational process, transition from external motivation to internal motivation; mobility of the student positions. In the process of teaching there was organized partnership between colleagues due to the shared goals. Environment helping to expand interdisciplinary experience was created: theoretical discipline and practicum, practicum and educational practice and influence of each type of educational activity on the final result of the understanding of the module by the students. Among teachers developed experience of networking with those working at different preschool establishments and preparing pedagogical staff; developed experience of understanding new professional positions: “teacher”, “consultant”, “expert”, “partner”.
Keywords: module of the basic educational program, psychological-pedagogical education, bachelor, professional higher education, quasi professional activity, teacher
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 69 — 76
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