The article states that marriage crisis has overwhelmed the world. It concerns our country with its patriarchal system of values that could not prevent family decay. One of the most effective solutions to this problem the author sees in creation of special schools named “the schools of family behavior” on the basis of municipal centers of additional education of children. These schools are for children from incomplete families or families with only child who could not get the rules of proper behavior in their paternal families so as they have no experience of family life. The author assures that training in multiage group is to create family model, which allow practice the typical for family life situations. It will let to get necessary attainments, which are very useful in adult life.
Keywords: family values, socialization, family behavior, interpersonal relations, marriage crisis, innovative pedagogical technologies, groups of different age, educational centers, identification, imitation, reflection, hyperprotection, contradictory upbringing
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 15
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