The paper generalized the experience of the study of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) with the positions of the different approaches. Currently, autism is treated as a complex disorder of psychological development, characterized by severe and comprehensive deficit of social interaction and communication, restricted interests and repetitive actions. Unfortunately, to date etiological concept of autism spectrum disorders can not be considered complete. One of the leading risk factors for autism take ideas about family history, although genetic predisposition picture autistic extremely diverse and not fully defined. Taking into account the degree of prevalence and heterogeneity of ASD disorders around the world, at the present stage of the study of this pathological condition becomes important the interdisciplinary approach, that will ensure more effective medical, psychological and pedagogical support of the child. It is important to understand that today the problem of the ASD is not just a problem of psychiatrists, and other professionals, such as biologists, psychologists, educators and rehabilitators and even philosophers.
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, mental development, dizontogeneza, nterdisciplinary approach
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 16 — 22
Downloads: 2645