The article provides the first presentation of the activity of the Centre for supplementary physical and mathematical education as a model of integration of general and supplementary education, which is implemented at pedagogical university. The article provides the models’ scheme, which is presented by the multilevel interconnections with schools and non-school partners. The article shows that the model provides the filling of the order for extracurricular activities and a spectrum of supplementary education programs. The work proves that the important elements of the model are the new approach to pre-service teachers’ practical training sessions; further education courses aimed at the creation of developmental educational texts, teaching and learning tasks, which provide the creation of variable and enriched educational space. The work shows that the model facilitates the achievement of relevant results by teachers and pupils in teaching and learning physics and mathematics, implementation of new networking projects in supplementary physical and mathematical education.
Keywords: physical and mathematical education, supplementary education, integration, school, centre for supplementary education
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 116 — 123
Downloads: 928