The article is devoted to the development and analysis of diagnostic vocal and choral skills of boys-cadets in the choir of Tyumen presidential cadet school. Based on the consideration of the concepts “skill”, “vocal skills”, “choral skills” introduces a working definition of the concept of “vocal and choral skills” of cadets. Describes some psychological and physiological characteristics of vocal-choir of boys-choristers. Taking in consideration specific professional orientation of cadets defines the components of vocal and choral skills, which are to be developed: first, pure tone, without which unison is impossible, and hence the choral tune, too; the command of different types of breathing and clear diction, which are necessary for the cadets for the development of command voice as well. Describes the diagnostic tools: performance, diagnostic tasks, levels of development of choral vocal skills; provides the analysis of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics development of choral vocal skills of the cadets at the initial and final stages of diagnosis. Defines the factors for the increased development of choral vocal skills in the boys choir of Tyumen presidential cadet school.
Keywords: cadets, vocal and choral skills, presidential cadet Academy, diagnostics, components of vocal and choral skills
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 161 — 168
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