The article discusses the development of the text activity of the learners. The provisions of the pedagogy of the school of joint activity, theory of design of educational metaspace form the theoretical basis of the study. The conduct and description of the experiment involved the use of methods and techniques of humanitarian research. Examples of the development of textual activity are shown as part of literature lessons on the work of M. Bulgakov “Master and Margarita”, as well as in the framework of the educational project “Debates”. Debates create the culture of group work, develop skills of self-presentation, empathy and tolerance, skills of evaluation. A film by P. Weir “Dead poets Society” became the material for discussion. Each student was able to participate in the project, to express himself, to develop his communicative competence. The following conclusions are the results of the study. The development of textual activity can be successful if the teacher considers the phenomenon of “educational metaspace” from the point of view of anthropological approach, the text activity as a process of formation of universal educational activities, uses the theoretical framework of the school of joint activity in its curricular and extracurricular activities.
Keywords: textual activity, universal educational actions, educational metaspace, humanities research, project “Debates”
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 40 — 47
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