DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-100-107
The article presents a new model of a linguistic educational process that can be implemented in the practice of teaching a foreign language in a technical university. The proposed model takes into account the characteristic features of mindset of students of physical and mathematical universities and faculties, and it constitutes a matrix as a model of learning languages. Filled-in matrix cells are a structure of the language knowledge content in a visual form. The matrix should not be overloaded with elements, so preference is given to a binary opposition. The structure of the matrix can be filled with a variety of linguistic material (grammatical, lexical). Keyword for assignments is algorithm. Knowledge of the system organization of a language helps the students understand «language in action» and, therefore, adequately use it in the sphere of professional communication. The suggested matrix as a model of acquiring the system of French verb conjugation takes into account the peculiarities of processing information by the left hemisphere and lets the students learn the verb system using the possibilities of the left hemispheric mindset. We suppose that the teacher of a foreign language in a technical university while modeling and organizing the linguo-educational process should take the position of the student, their understanding and processing the language units under the influence of the most often dominant hemisphere.
Keywords: modelling, model of linguistic educational process, matrix, mindset, system of language
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 100 — 107
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