DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-39-47
The article presents an examination of the need for a specialist with the desired qualities for the modern labor market through the development of socio-professional activity of students. Provides a generalized image of a modern College student as an information basis for the development of the model of development of socio-professional activity of students of multidisciplinary College and essential characteristics of the model. Summarizes the work on the development of socio-professional activity of students through group and individual forms of work, and on the creation of a socializing environment of the College, its saturation with various types of activities. Describes the structure of the individual plan of student’s self-development, involvement in various activities, and interaction with improvement of professional skills of teachers and the level of College work. Describes the strategic game “Trajectory of success” as an organizational form motivating the work of the student. Provides the examples of interaction between the College and employers of students’ participation in corporate events of companies. Presents the initiatives of the College at various levels, including in international cooperation, contributing to the development of the student, enhancing the status and importance of the College at the district level. Reveals the content and course of experimental work, the process of continuous monitoring. Provides the examples of changes of quantitative indicators of the activities of the College as a result of experimental work and changes in the structure of monitoring.
Keywords: model of socio-professional activity, strategy game, monitoring, group work, individual approach, self-development
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 39 — 47
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