DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-48-54
The article proves the importance of the organization of research activity of school pupils for achievement of training results (disciplinary, meta-disciplinary, personal), required by Federal State Educational Standard. The potential of the new quality of education lies in developing communicative and analytical competencies, broadening the educational base of students. The authors have described the results of concrete work for the organization of individual research work of the trained in literature. Five stages (introductory, preparatory, presentation and evaluation of research results, analysis of results) of implementation of concrete pedagogical maintenance of research activity are described, and the nature of the teacher - pupil cooperation each stage is grounded. Methodical support of the research activities involves: setting for cooperation, dialogue; the ability to identify the motivation of the student. It is important to follow the principles of research works: search for information on the topic, revealing the history of the study of the topic, formulation of goals and ways of achieving them, implementation analysis, and presentation of the results of work. The work has shown that the organization of individual research activities will be effective if the teacher is faithful to the (design / box) position, allowing the student to express their subjectivity, taking into account the motives of students for carrying out the project activities. The fact, that pupils could represent results of their work honorably at scientific and practical conferences proves productivity of the chosen strategy of pedagogical support.
Keywords: universal learning activities, research work in literature, pedagogical maintenance
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 48 — 54
Downloads: 1111