DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-55-61
The authors of the article consider the process of developing the professional expertise of the students of the Auto-transportation College (Ufa, Russia). The article reveals the concept of the notion “professional expertise of a technician of the trucking industry”. The authors also determine the content and the structure of the contextual approach which pedagogically promotes the transformation of the students’ study into the quasi-professional and educationally-professional activities. The authors suggest a number of pedagogical conditions which make developing the students’ professional expertise more efficient. The first pedagogical condition presupposes the use of active learning with a whole range of its forms, means and methods. The interdisciplinary nature of teaching represents an important factor here. The authors of the article regard the contextual approach as a relevant way to develop the students’ professional expertise. It is achieved through transforming the students’ learning into the professional activity of the future technicians. The second pedagogical condition makes it possible to implement the automated control system (ACS) on vehicles. The ACS provide a set of information, methods, models, hardware, software, technology tools and solutions, as well as a number of professionals who perform information processing and take management decisions within the enterprise. The ACS provides an opportunity to use modern computer technologies. The third pedagogical condition comprises the orientation of the teaching process to revealing the students’ potential and social self-realization through the use of the project method. This method achieves the following: the combination of the general and professional subjects within the syllabus; developing the students’ cognitive skills, the focus on a person’s self-development.
Keywords: professional education, context approach, component composition of the professional expertise, pedagogical conditions, specialists of the road transport industry
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 55 — 61
Downloads: 1192