DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-81-84
At present competence approach is widely updated in the sphere of education. In this connection the main goal of professional education is formation of students’ set of specific competences and creation of conditions for their self-realization. In this paper the problem of formation of competence of future teachers of mathematics on the base of studying the course «Mathematical Analysis» is considered. It is known that this course plays a great role in the basic training of future teachers to understand an applied and practical orientation of maths education. Formation of competence of future teachers of mathematics is implemented with the help of a detailed and step-by-step study of the basic concepts of mathematical analysis. Among them is the concept of the limit of the function, which is the first «new» one and the most difficult issue in the mathematical analysis. It is achieved by formation of skills of independent work of students with textbooks, and by introduction to scientific work through writing essays. The concept of studying of the basic notions of mathematical analysis and practicing of students in substantive scientific research presented in the paper promotes the conscious use of the knowledge in other disciplines and in the future professional activity. In its turn, this means a new competency level of the professional training of the future mathematics teachers.
Keywords: training future teachers of mathematics, professional competence, mathematical analysis
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 81 — 84
Downloads: 1233