DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-126-132
The article studies heterogeneous peculiarities of teenagers in conflicts. The study gives the analysis of different scientific literature on the heterogeneous group research in Russian and foreign pedagogy. The article gives the specification of the terms “heterogeneous” and “heterogeneous group”. In our research work we pay attention to the term of «heterogeneous», put into the basis of our research of teenagers from families of different social status (with one, two, more than two children). Moreover, we analyze a number of literature sources on the research problem of teenagers’ heterogeneous peculiarities. We give the examples of various approaches to the term “conflict” in such sciences as philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy. Furthermore, we describe the tendencies to show particular forms and styles of behavior in conflict situations in teenagers of heterogeneous group, which are possible to be used as parameters in the process of creating effective pedagogical conditions to form moral, human and socially active personality of a heterogeneous group teenager. In order to find the way out of any conflict situations we consider the necessity to include teenagers not only into tutorial but also into educative life of school. The article presents the results of our research work on the deter.
Keywords: heterogeneous peculiarities, heterogeneous groups, conflict situations, teenagers, social
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 126 — 132
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