DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-133-141
The artice presents the results of the study of the degree of the mnemic potential of the conceptual structure and its relationship with the style of young scientists’ self-regulation. The study has included 122 young scientists (postgraduate students and masters involved in research activity). Methods of research: technique by M. A. Kholodnaya “Formulation of Problems”, questionnaire by V. I. Morosanova “Style of Self-Regulation of Behavior” (SSRBM). The study has resulted in revealing the insufficiently formed volume and complexity of mnemic potential of conceptual structures of young scientists evidencing limitation to bring forth and define the problem of their own research, difficulty in identifying its interdisciplinary nature. A positive relationship of indicators of complexity of defined problems with the process of planning of their own activity has been found. The findings can testify to narrow-mindedness in bringing forth a problem of own research, difficulty in definition of its interdisciplinary nature, difficulty in the problem formulation with use of scientific language. Lack of mnemic potential of conceptual thinking in junior scientists with the low level of planning can act as a cognitive barrier of successful development of stages of research activity. The findings give the grounds for more in-depth study of cognitive structure of conceptual thinking by means of psychodiagnostics methods as well as development of the program of individual coaching of young scientists during training for research activity.
Keywords: cognitive barriers, mental experience, conceptual thinking, mnemic potential, style of self-regulation, research activity
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 133 — 141
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