DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-173-177
Understanding in the pedagogical context has always been regarded as one of the results of education. In pedagogy of collaborative activity this act has a special educational content. On the basis of the analysis of literature there can be allocated three functions of understanding: sense and meaning generating function, cognitive function and psychological function. Focusing on the attainment of the other person’s goals and motives a person rules out the possibility of understanding for the use of knowledge of the world (G. Ruzavin). In hermeneutics (E. Betty, G. Gadamer, Husserl, Heidegger) understanding involves, first of all, the knowledge of the outside world through the interpretation of texts. This representation makes it necessary to discuss the concept of pre-understanding, based on the «life» of the world and cultural tradition. And in this case, the act of understanding does not involve the joint nature of this action. As a result of the analysis of literature it is suggested that the generation of meaning is considered as a basic understanding of the function, the educational potential and educational content for maximum understanding and action is a condition for the establishment and implementation of the other functions of understanding: cognitive and psychological. It is in the pedagogy of collaborative activity the organization of the situations of understanding is seen as an act of generation of meaning, and it is considered as a basic characteristic of the educational content of the joint action and the basic part of educational content. Reliance on the meaning-function, as the basic organization of the work involves description, discussion and study of various personal experiences of the collaborative education. Understanding in this case is a situation causing collaborative education. This approach to educational content unit solves the problem of formalization of educational activities in schools, and fist of all the formalization of the implementation of the federal state educational standard of education of the new generation. It reduces the manipulative actions of adult and child at classes. And it serves as a condition for the formation of the character of the author’s actions as a result of education process and as an alternative to the normative and subjective nature of these actions.
Keywords: understanding, joint activity, joint action, education content, organization of the understanding situations
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 173 — 177
Downloads: 1138