DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-178-186
Both technical and scenic components of artistic fencing training were actualized by the aim of increase of effectiveness and quality of staged fights. The necessity of teaching opponents the basis of staged speech was revealed by exploring the artistic feature of their diverse creating. It stems from the fact that many classical battle plots cannot be implemented on the stage without considering this skill. The importance of staged speech was proved by the factthat the members of the leading Russian artistic fencing teams necessarily posses it. The fact that “live speech” is more preferable than recorded voices even in the case of sport competitions was stated as the result of exploring the performances of The Russian Championship 2015. Hence, together with developing the sport, the refusal of recorded voices will be inevitable, and sportsmen will study staged speech. Moreover, it clarified, that intonation patterns and pauses help clearly highlight the apparent fighters’ motives and intensions. That was successfully illustrated by the example of working with staged speech in the “Alternative Scene” performance. The effectiveness of methods of stage speech trainings which are presented in the article was proved by the fact that performance «The Alternative Scene» by postgraduate student Sergey Shmat’ko and associate professor Viktor Lobanov (duet nomination, freestyle) was awarded the 2nd place at the Russian Artistic Fencing Championship 2016 as a result of high-quality artistic acting.
Keywords: theatrical pedagogy, sports pedagogy, scenic speech, artistic fencing, fencing, antiquity, sport
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 178 — 186
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