DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-2-31-36
The problem of studying of psychophysiological manifestations of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) of the student’s youth of higher education institution of physical culture is displayed. The scientific novelty is expressed in the submitted study results in the identification of the range of symptoms of ADHD based on the study of the higher nervous activity, namely, the physiological process of attention and its characteristics. Studying the reasons for the formation of learning difficulties among students is vital, one of the cumulative causes is the deficiency syndrome of attention studied by us, and also the common properties of nervous system, the level of development of higher mental functions, activity of sympathetic department. Proves the manifestation of a multifactor symptomatology of attention deficit syndrome of the persons aged 18 and over by the approved PVMR technique (determination of the primary visual and motor reaction) for detection of typological features of the nervous system and its functional state, as well as reveals the Burdon’s test as the express diagnostics of attention indexes, which is an ergonomic way of indirect diagnosis of small brain disfunctions. The provided data allow to estimate indirectly the success of educational activity depending on the speed of processing of sensory information and to carry out well-timed individual correctional work in educational and training process.
Keywords: attention deficit syndrome, attention, students of higher education institution of physical culture
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 31 — 36
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