DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-2-92-99
The article discusses the issues of implementing mentoring in the field of preschool education in the process of preparation of students – future teachers. The attention is paid to mentoring as a special form of work with students based on personality-oriented and individual approach towards students and towards the teacher-mentor. The author relies on the understanding of mentoring as the ability to transfer a rich personal experience of the young man, for its successful adaptation to the professional activity; arranging personal assistance and support. Notes the necessity of ability of the mentor to perform various roles: consultant, tutor, coach, which may affect the successful entry into the professional activity of young specialists. Attention is drawn to the fact that consultation with future specialists shall be governed by the rules of professional ethics, awareness of student-centered approach to every student. The article presents examples of consultation, analytical, methodological, organisational-managerial innovation sets the direction for the formation of new professional skills in students. The experience of the use of personal scales special competences, which every young specialist, depending on his needs and capabilities of notes that he knows what he knows and does not know that he can not. The article gives a detailed description of the functional role assignment of the mentor-tutor-mentor-coach, manifested in the process of support and maintenance.
Keywords: preschool education, mentoring, teacher-consultant, tutor, mentor-coach
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 92 — 99
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