DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-2-100-109
The article discusses the phenomena of a professional image of a pedagog’s world. Presented the content and the results of the research based on bachelor’s presentations majoring in “Preschool education”, about achievements and difficulties, meanings and values of the professional activity. Professional image of the world is a significant characteristic of the concept of the wholeness of the professional education which is a realization of the systematic approach in education. To study the formation of the understanding of the professional image of the pedagog’s world among the Bachelor degree students majoring in 44.03.01 Pedagogical education and specializing in “Preschool education” a study was held based at FGBOU VO “Altai state humanitarian-pedagogical university named after V. M. Shukshin” in Biysk in 2016. The study included full time students of the psychology-pedagogical department years 1 through 4 (n = 17) and among distant learners (n = 46). The total number of the students equaled 63 and 27% of them were full (day time students) and 73 % of them were distant learners. The conducted study allows to make a conclusion about the specific understanding of the professional image of the pedagog’s world among students who study at a pedagogical institute and specialize in “Preschool education”. It is possible to recognize the differences in defining accomplishments and difficulties among students with and without the professional experience. It was found, for example, that most students who work in preschool institutions connect their own professional accomplishments and difficulties to their time management. Those without the experience connect their personal accomplishments and difficulties to their exam preparations. They also have different understandings of the meaning and values of the pedagogical work: pre-school teachers, above all recognize the value of raising and nurturing preschoolers and students without the experience – the value of educating them. The main accomplishments in the professional practice are connected by the respondents with upbringing, educating and development of children. The study also showed that most of the Bachelors lack the understanding of the significance of their own development, education and improvement in their professional practice. According to the authors, focusing on selfimprovement and self-perfecting is the most important part of the professional image of the world both among future and currently practicing pedagogs. The found fact of undervaluing self-development and education by the students during their pedagogical practice allows to conclude that it is needed to have a goal to supervise and guide the process of the formation of the professional image of the world of the future pedagog.
Keywords: professional image of a pedagog’s world, meanings and values of the professional activity of a pedagog, preschool education
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 100 — 109
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