DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-2-110-116
Terminological culture of a teacher is an important and integral component of professional pedagogical culture. Nevertheless, the research problem under discussion has not been properly concretized in academic literature on pedagogy. The notion is scarcely used in the context of education, possibly due to the absence of definition and extensive characteristics of the essence of teacher’s terminological culture. The paper specifies the role of terminological culture in general and professional pedagogical culture. The author summarizes existing definitions of terminological culture, suggests enumeration and gradation of synonymous (identical) notions, defines basic components of teacher’s terminological culture and describes its research and practical importance. Key components include the ability to explain and to use the terms; the ability to detect errors in the use of terms; mastering term system of science; constant enrichment of terminological vocabulary; ability to analyze terminological material; ability to distinguish productive and unproductive models of building of terms. Terminological culture of a teacher minimizes the evident problems of developing of pedagogical term system in general and the problems that are typical for professional terminology in a particular subject area. The paper justifies advantageous and legitimate use of the notion “terminological culture” over the notion “terminological competence”. This work introduces gradation to terminological culture of a teacher, including the levels of knowledge, literacy, competence and culture.
Keywords: terminological culture, professional pedagogical terminology, definition of terminological culture, components of terminological culture, levels of terminological culture
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 110 — 116
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