DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-2-144-150
The study examines the use of hydroshaping tools to improve the functionality of future hydropedagogues. Today on specialists-hydropedagogues are placed great demands. Hydropedagogues have to master the technique of sports and applied methods of swimming. There is a need for a purposeful development of the functional capabilities of future hydropedagogical specialists, as well as the development of strength endurance of the muscles of the lower limbs, which are the muscles of the leading link in coordination. As a result of the research, the methods, directed to increase the functionality were developed. These methods include the following means: 1) aquajogging; 2) swimming with weights; 3) swimming with rubber expanders-absorbers; 4) swimming with blades; 5) exercises with a swimming board ; 6) exercises with noodles; 7) swimming with flippers; 8) hypoxic swimming; 9) exercises of stato-dynamic nature, aimed at the ability to hold water (“eight hands”, brass feet on the ground); 10) diving; 11) partner transportation; 12) Breaststroke breast and back swimming, chest , side and back crawling (in supported and unsupported positions); 13) water polo player’s exercise – “walking” in water in the vertical position of the body by simultaneous and alternate feet strokes. The effectiveness of the methods is determined by the following tests: 1) Slip length (m); 2) Legs breaststroke at the site (sec.); 3) Brass on the back (m); 4) Latency respiration (sec.); 5) Swimming freestyle to capacity (m); 6) Diving in length (m); 7) Cooper Test (m).
Keywords: hidroshaping, methods of training to hydroshaping, functionality, specialisthydropedagog, student, pedagogical hydrorehabilitation
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 144 — 150
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