DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-2-198-208
The rapid development of convergent technologies has resulted in widespread popularity of neuroscience. As a consequence, to the name of the various disciplines has been added the prefix “neuro-”. Pedagogics is not an exception. The expansion of convergent technologies in the field of education determines the relevance of the study of the problem described in this article. Education sphere is responsible for the formation of values and ideals specific to particular sociocultural systems. The goal of the research undertaken in the article is to ascertain the extent of the conceptual innovation with respect to hybridization of neuroscience and pedagogics. Achievement of this goal is carried out by stage-by-stage consideration of the problem situation from the review of its epistemological structure for determining the prospects of neuropedagogy. Neuropedagogics should take into account the specifics of epistemology neuroethics, neuroaesthetics and neurophilosophy. At the same time the prefix “neuro-” fixes directivity investigations on the brain and body. And therefore, it fixes the need to integrate problematics of bioethics for realization of these actions. The popularity of the provisions of neurology in humanitarian studies is a symbolic reaction to convergent technologies, which can be interpreted as one of the embodiments of the symbolism of bioethics in contemporary culture. The article presents some methodological results of RHSF project no. 15-03-00598.
Keywords: neuropedagogics, bioethics, perception of symbolism, visual symbolism, information-synergetic approach, “semiotic attractor”
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 198 — 208
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