DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-2-61-69
The choice of education program, matching of education to the interests of the senior pupils creates the foundation for a successful professional identity in the future. However, indepth study of the profile of specific disciplines in practice leads to disharmonious development of interpersonal relationships between senior pupils. In the study of interpersonal relations of senior pupils took part 59 pupils of 9th grades (15–16 years old) in sociohumanitarian, natural science, physics and mathematics profiles of education. Compiled socio-psychological reliefs classes, sociogram, the analysis of significant differences in Student’s t-test revealed significant differences in the nature of the relationship between senior pupils with different learning profiles. “Humanitarians” show the highest level of team development and desire to communicate with each other, senior pupils of natural science profile show the average level of relations development – formal relations, senior “mathematics” pupils do not seek personal communication, and prefer only business contacts. A similar structure of interpersonal relations have natural science and socio-humanitarian groups, both have the structure of the team, while physical-mathematical profile forms large individuality in interpersonal pupils’ contacts. The results indicate that we observe a trend to limiting of self-conception, interests, values correlating only with the scope of professional activity, which is a factor of disharmonization of interpersonal relations, and professional identification performs an inhibitory function towards other abilities and interests. The effective implementation of objectives of the learning profiles is necessary to carry out the work aimed at mitigating negative effects and enhancing positive ones. You need to define the priorities of harmonious relations in classes of different profiles of learning: a resource for socio-humanitarian class can be considered conditions for the development of effective communication included in activities with clear targets, which will decrease the risk of false identification of the profession as «communication»; for the class of natural sciences it is necessary to expand the content of the communication, which will reduce the effect of formal relations; for the class of physics and mathematics it is necessary to create situations where interaction is not related to necessary activities, and to show them the joy of meetings and the value of communication with others, developing personal resources and potential.
Keywords: profile of education, identification, disharmony of interpersonal relations, senior pupil
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 61 — 69
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