DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-2-151-156
Currently, the society places more and more demands on the students of Higher educational institutions, including students – future teachers. In this regard, teacher education actualizes the concept of “competence” of a future teacher. In this article, we payed our attention to the formation of communicative competence in teacher education. The concept of “communicative competence” is directly related to the professional skill and a means to achieve pedagogical excellence. The formation of communicative competence is a major pedagogical problem in education. The article is written based on information search and understanding of the essence of competence approach in pedagogical education. Currently communicative approach is being actualized in higher education. Therefore, in this article we have considered the concept of “competence”, “communicative competence”. Gives a variant of forming communicative competence of a future university teacher in the discipline “Physical culture” 44.03.01 in the direction of preparation “Pedagogical education” / Maths Profile. In the proposed version shows the distribution of general cultural competence – OK-8 in sections of the discipline “Physical culture” and considers in detail the descriptor characteristics of the given competence, as well as proposed the forms and methods contributing to the formation of this competence.
Keywords: physical culture, communicative competence, competence
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 151 — 156
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