DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-9-15
The article considers the problem of studying and development of educational independence of students in the context of educational activity in higher education institution. The most effective form of educational activities of students is the organizational and activity game “I am a journalist”, which is based on the creation of students’ own projects of newspapers. This game consists of several parts – preparatory, game and reflexive. During the game the students play the roles of the editor, journalists and designers. “Editor” controls the whole process, gives subjects for the newspaper, is responsible for the entire result of the work; “journalists” prepare material on headings, collect information, prepare articles; “designers” are responsible for decorating of the newspaper, make out the newspaper materials prepared by journalists, select photos, drawings and so forth. As a result of joint activities during the game future teachers develop abilities for educational actions, understanding of their meaning; acquire the skills of joint operation with others; begin to take initiative and display subjective position. The data obtained by practical consideration confirm efficiency of application of an organizational and activity game “I am a journalist” for formation of educational independence. The article is of interest to teachers of higher education institutions and students of pedagogical specialties.
Keywords: educational independence, organizational and activity game, selforganization, higher education
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 15
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