DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-16-23
The article considers the actual problem of modernization of the process of pedagogical cadres training. The author develops the conception of the process of pedagogical cadres training in the context of integration of the system of higher pedagogical education with the general and additional education systems. The article regards the key categories of the conception developed: its principle, method and the approach to the conception implementation in practice. Within the conception mentoring is defined as the active pedagogical support of pedagogical universities students in solving their quasi-professional and professional problems. The article presents the mentoring scheme which was designed within the developed pedagogical conception and which is being implemented now in the work of the center of additional education at the Pedagogical university. The article provides the conclusions which are drawn on the results of the use of various forms of mentorship in three educational processes carried out at the center, namely, the process of the interaction of students with children, with leading specialists in the educational sector and with their colleagues (teachers and partners in educational events). The integrated educational environment developed through the implementation of the conception of pedagogical support (mentoring) of the students in solving diverse problems which may occur in process of their professional activity allows to provide the students’ reflexive acquaintance with the variety of forms and methods of the development of children in practice.
Keywords: mentoring, pedagogical support, conception, integration, pedagogical education, additional education, general education, activity approach
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 16 — 23
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