DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-32-39
The article poses the problem of searching for successive links in the formation of universal educational activities in the transition from primary to basic school. This problem is actualized by the introduction of Federal Educational Standard and by the search for practicing teachers of the effective methods to form and diagnose universal educational activities at different age levels. The authors analyze the experience of the School of Joint Activity in this direction, in particular, describe the performing of a general school seminar, the purpose of which was to show the specifics and increasing of different groups from primary to basic school. Examples of expert maps are given, which make it possible to distinguish different groups of universal educational activities at the lesson, their level of development (acquaintance, formation, application). A generalized portrait of the graduate of the primary and basic schools, successive lines in the content of regulative, cognitive, communicative and personal activities are considered. The authors analyze forms of a general school seminar performing such as: visiting lab lessons and discussing them in a group, filling out expert maps by the teachers, work in a group to identify succession lines based on completed maps, final discussion and reflection of participants.
Keywords: meta-subject results, joint activity, examination of the formation of activities, portrait of the graduate, succession
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 32 — 39
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