DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-40-44
The article emphasizes the actuality of the process of development of information competence of the personality from the positions of subject-activity approach. As a subject of activities the personality in modern society is becoming an important competence: the willingness of the individual to the network interaction based on digital trends with the designation in it of the subjective experience, the ability to generate and maintain online content as an independent and active subject, the ability to provide quality navigation in information and communication technologies based on the experience of their use. These abilities characterize the components of information competence of the personality. The process of development of this competence from the positions of subject-activity approach lies in the continuous support of the subject activities on smart technologies in the smart society through “understanding”, the birth of their meanings, enriching the subjective experience of development of information competence of a person. In the context of Smart society the subject of activities has a willingness to actualize personal potential, subject experience, information competence, information culture. Under the information competence of the personality as a subject of activity can be understood the ability to “multiplication” of the natural, spiritual, professional, cultural and individual-personal features in Smart society.
Keywords: information competence of a person, subject of activity, subject-activity approach, Smart society, digital trends
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 40 — 44
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