DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-45-50
The article examines different views on the nature of intercultural communicative competence (ICC). A distinction between ICC and related terms (especially intercultural competence) has been made. A special attention is paid to different methods and ways of forming intercultural communicative competence. It is argued that an individual can never be completely “interculturally competent” because the development of ICC is a continuous and ongoing process. Different factors affecting the development of ICC such as context, time factor and learners’ individual capacitites have been established. In particular, time factor is very important since development of ICC may be lifelong especially when it comes to changes in attitudes, beliefs and mentality. It is argued that no generic curriculum can be created to form ICC for its development depends on numerous parameters. Different views on whether country studies are required to the development of ICC have been analyzed proving that country studies are necessary but not sufficient. It is shown that class activities alone can not be sufficient to form ICC: it is necessary for learners to engage in extracurricular activities, in intercultural contacts, use audiovisual means, media, social networks. All these practices will help learners understand that languages are a real form of communiation.
Keywords: intercultural communicative competence, intercultural communication, interaction, country studies
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 45 — 50
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