DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-84-92
We associate exploratory behavior as one of the most important mechanisms of childs’ cognitive development, basis of creativity, intellectual and social achievements. The longitudinal study revealed forms of exploratory behavior in early childhood (12–18 months; 18–24 months; 24–30 months). It allowed us to excrete some stimulating and limiting the development of exploratory behavior in early childhood factors. The article suggests diagnostic tools for revealing the level of development of exploratory behavior in early childhood. There was an attempted to reveal particularities of arranging home environment of contemporary urban children in early ages and to specify its influence on their exploratory behavior. We applied the following methods for diagnostics: detailed psychological analysis of childs’ everyday home environment (subject-spatial environment, family structure, presence or absence of siblings and etc.); a series of observations of children in a natural home environment (free and longitudinal, using the developed registration form); questionnaire and interview for parents (there were three blocks: 1. social information about family and permanent place of staying; 2. medical-psychological part; 3. social and cognitive skills); making up maps of childs’ development. Additionally some parents gave us diary notes, where emotional and cognitive development, social skills of children were fixed up. There were also revealed some common features of contemporary urban parents.
Keywords: forms of exploratory behavior, early childhood, home environment, levels of the development of exploratory behavior
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 84 — 92
Downloads: 1161