DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-108-116
Currently, for graduates of pre-university educational institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, the high demands are imposed on physical fitness. This is because the objective of the educational activities of such schools is to prepare young men to enroll in military universities of the country, where a high level of physical fitness is one of the conditions for military training. At the same time, one of the problems that the system of physical training in the school creates, as studies have shown, is the low interest of cadets in sports, which is reflected in the low attendance of extra classes on physical culture. The work is dedicated to the search for organizational forms and means of physical education, methods of their implementation and the definition of place in the educational space of the cadet academy. The article discusses extracurricular forms of physical training in the Orenburg presidential cadet school. The author suggests that cadets are offered the forms and methods of physical training and sports that do not fully meet the age requirements of the cadet. Determining the interest and motivation of the cadets additionally, outside the school to engage in physical culture and sports will allow to organize the work in the system of physical education appropriate for their age and needs, which will contribute to the formation of motivation to sports activities, will increase the mass involved and thus the level of their physical fitness. The research allowed to classify extracurricular forms of physical training. Such forms include: sports events for pupils of the 5–6 classes, sports clubs in division of additional education for cadets of the 5–9 classes, classes of military-applied sports for senior cadets. The introduction of the system of physical education with additional physical training and sporting activities that meet the interests of cadets, helped to increase attendance, to raise the prestige of physical culture and sports, and thus increase the level of physical training of the graduates of the Orenburg presidential cadet school.
Keywords: cadets, motives, forms of employment, the system of physical education
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 108 — 116
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