DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-127-133
The expediency of developing the integration of formal, informal and informational education for the realization of the principle of “lifelong education” is justified. Today the theory and practice of informal and informal education is developing. Also the change in these forms of education is associated not only with the independent development of each of them, but also with the tendency to unite their capabilities. Formal education is intentionally given some features of the informal and vice versa, while informational education permeates both formal and informal education. There are also studies on integration processes in the field of formal, informal and informational education. The features of each of these forms of educational activity are indicated. The general points and differences in modern researche works on questions of integration of the specified forms are described. The specifics of the integration of formal, non-formal and informal education are presented. Prospects for research in this area are outlined: сlarification of the content of the concept of «integration of educational activities», the characteristics of such integration, the development of models for the integration of forms, the definition of educational outcomes, the achievement of which is possible within the framework of a holistic educational process on the basis of formal, informal and informational education.
Keywords: continuous education; personal and professional development; forms of educational activity; integration of formal, non-formal and informal education
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 127 — 133
Downloads: 1618