DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-134-143
The article is devoted to the problems of interaction between the School and the University as social institutions, the structures of the system of continuous education. School as an indispensable but insufficient stage of continuous education is defined in the research as a human potential development institution. Higher education, the next stage of continuous education, is a tool for the development of human capital. The concept of “Human Potential” is considered in the context of evaluating educational outcomes that can be used and improved in the process of continuing education. The concept of “Human capital” is correlated in the study with the concept of “quality of admission” of students – an important criterion for assessing the quality of education in the university. The aim of the article is to substantiate a pedagogical program that increases the level of awareness about the quality of educational results of school graduates, revealing the possibilities of their improvement in collaborative network programs of cooperation between institutions of secondary general and higher professional education. The possibilities of the pedagogical program are examined on the example of the relationship of the Research University with general educational institutions – partners, collaborative research and methodological practices that affect the increase in the level of functional literacy, preprofessional competence of school graduates as future students are described. Important educational practices include programs to study the motives, values of high school students as future applicants; qualitative research of educational achievements, predicting the academic success of training in the university.
Keywords: human potential, human capital, social institution, continuous education, networking, pedagogical partnership of educational institutions, qualitative results of education, portrait of the entrant, pre-professional competence as a metaprojective education
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 134 — 143
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