DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-153-161
The results of the third stage of the research «Realization of pedagogical potential of social centers in the socio-cultural space of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States» are presented. Social centers are viewed as temporary informal associations of civic activists who solve diverse social problems. The growth of civil initiatives has determined the emergence of a group of people interested in special education. Analysis of innovative products of the social sphere, a survey among activists made it possible to identify elements of the educational request. These include the features of social self-organization, ways to implement the pedagogical potential of various socio-cultural institutions, effective interaction within the framework of public-private partnerships, management and socially-oriented marketing. Particularly noted is the formation of the ability to create full-fledged services for a specific target audience. There is a need for preparation for organizational and coordination, consulting activities, advocacy in conditions of social selforganization. The emerging trend of the formation of the described content of education replicates the world experience. Social work in a broad sense in the countries of Asia and Eastern Europe is also based on competencies related to working in the territorial community, the activation of available public resources. An actual format of educational interaction is determined – non-formal education. This fact is explained by the maximum orientation of this model of training on the participants’ requests, the variability in determining the place and time of the meeting. Today conferences, seminars, internships, virtual mentoring are relevant. Currently, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States have a corps of nonformal education coaches whose competencies are formed in the humanitarian projects of the European Union in the direction of the Eastern Partnership. The results of the analysis of thematic proposals in the educational market are presented. Institutions of formal education in the field of social work offer training programs that pay attention to pedagogy, psychology and management. The content of educational programs for three types of modules is determined: general cultural, general professional (basic), special professional competences.
Keywords: social center, CIS educational space, non-formal education, adult education
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 153 — 161
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