DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-162-170
The article reveals the problem of implementing extracurricular activities in Geography in accordance with the requirements of the current Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education. Pedagogical factors that contribute to the most effective assimilation of geographical knowledge and skills during extracurricular activities in comparison with the classical lesson are revealed. The experience of realization of the program of extracurricular activity with the seventh graders “Geography Experts” is presented on the basis of the “Laboratory of Geoecological Education and Local History” of the Geography Department of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The developed program allows to organize the effective interaction between school and pedagogical university and to form cognitive interest of schoolchildren in studying Geography, aacquiring subject knowledge and skills, and skills in design and research work. The most effective forms of extracurricular lessons in Geography (games, creative laboratories, musical competitions, field workshops, modeling, project creation) are revealed, their methodological description and recommendations for the conduct are given. The study for the seventh graders having a cognitive interest in Geography after completing the course “Geography Experts” showed that students are interested in Geography, the knowledge and skills that they have gained help them to master the geography course of school and encourage them to design and research activities. Thus, the developed and approved program of the extracurricular Geography course in the interaction between the school and the pedagogical university and has shown its effectiveness and requires further implementation.
Keywords: After-hours work, game form, geography, school
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 162 — 170
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