DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-27-33
The security system is considered in the article as «operational triad»: warning – prevention – suppression. Special attention is paid precisely to the prevention of illegal acts and the identification of persons, who has unlawful intentions, as well as an approximate algorithm for the application of psychodiagnostics operations ensuring the safety of citizens in public places is reviewed in the article. The algorithm assumes observation of citizens from the closed monitoring centers, that is contactless observation, but doesn’t exclude also direct contact with the checked faces causing suspicion. The algorithm includes the following steps: the organization of professional observation for the purpose of correlation of the speech of the person and his behavior, observation of the movement of crowd or group of people in crowd (all nonverbal signals, any discrepancies are traced), a polling conversation in case of need. At an assessment of the observed phenomena the expert has to not only apply scientific knowledge in the field of psychology, but also actively use all sense organs, intuition, empathy and experience of practical activities. The proposed algorithm allows you to make a hypothetical conclusion about the danger of a citizen, but not about his fault. The operational psychodiagnostics allows to describe psychological and psychophysiological features of the personality by means of the low-formalized methods of a psychological research, allowing to construct rather precisely his “profile” for identification of criminal intentions.
Keywords: immediate psychodiagnostics, wrongful intents, security of citizens, algorithm of application of operational psychodiagnostics, public places, watching, conversation
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 27 — 33
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