DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-34-39
The article deals with the problem of ag gressive behavior of preschool and primary school children. A comprehensive study of this issue adequately meets the urgent needs of a wide audience of educators and psychologists, as well as the social demand of society. A detailed analysis of the types of child aggression is given. Direct, physical, verbal, indirect and instrumental aggression displayed by children are singled out, forms of its manifestation are described. The relationship between the types of child aggression and the typology of parental attitudes to the problem is analyzed. Social and ethical standards determine the mechanisms of personal response and contribute to the prevention of deviant behavior, which is laid at an early age and indirectly reflects the level of individual, family and social well-being. The characteristics and style of the parental attitude to the problem of the child’s aggressive be havior are presented and the forecast of a possible correction is given. The emphasis is placed on the problems of intra-family interaction. Based on the indicators, in the process of working with children and parents, the following data were obtained, characterizing the specificity of family upbringing. 75 % of preschool children could not answer the question “what is good and what is bad”, 23 % called mainly ethical standards. Revealed a direct correlation between the aggressive behavior of preschool and primary school children and the style of parental upbringing and intra-family interaction. We observe mostly liberal-democratic and conniving styles of family education. This can be justified by the fact that the parents became the socalled “children of the 90”, due to socio-economic upheavals and instability themselves brought up in conditions of deprivation, unconsciously copying the behavior of parents, those who strived to provide material support for the child, substituting for material goods the need to educate moral and moral qualities.
Keywords: conditions, upbringing, family, child aggression, social environment
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 34 — 39
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