DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-40-46
In the context of higher professional education humanization, the problem of identification of students exposed to distressed states during the session is considered. It is noted that data on the influence of interhemispheric differences on stress resistance is not enough in science. Specificity of examination stress as one of the forms of social stress is indicated, the main stress factors of the examination period are named. A review of the positions regarding the psychological differences attributed to individuals with right and left arm dominance is given. The stress level in students during the intersessional and examination period was diagnosed by the PSM-25 method, and its increase to average values was recorded. A comparison of the level of academic stress among right-handed and left-handed students is made on the basis of measuring the phenomenological structure of its experience. Cognitive, somatic and emotional stress symptoms of right-handers and left-handers were compared based on their self-evaluation. Differences in their emotional responses to stress were revealed. When assessing exam excitement in general, left-handers perceive the situation more dramatically, which was confirmed statistically. A qualitative analysis of coping strategies for students with different types of interhemispheric asymmetry was carried out. Differences in emotional copying of right-handed and left-handed people were revealed; first group preferred relatively productive strategies, while non-productive strategies predominated in the second group. Cognitive and behavioral strategies in both groups are relatively productive. A combination of indicators shows a higher risk of exam stress for left-handed people. The obtained data expand psychological concepts about individual differences associated with interhemispheric asymmetry and allow providing an individual-typological approach to the prevention of examination stress destructive consequences.
Keywords: students, stress, examination stress, coping
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 40 — 46
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