DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-47-58
In the article, we outline the phenomenological fundamentals and important milestones in the history of the study of the unconscious. As for discussion about the nature of the unconscious, we show that there is a range of mutually exclusive versions and hypotheses about genetic link between unconscious factor and conscious mental processes. Further, we present various points of view expressed by international and Russian authors. The points of view reflect scientific approaches to the issue of relationship between conscious and unconscious mental activity in literary creation. We note that the role of the unconscious in the psychology of art and literary creativity has consistently attracted scholars engaged in a wide range of science areas, including psychologists and specialists in literary science. In addition, we examine the nature of creative intuition as an expression of unconscious creativity. We suggest that intuition unconditionally dominates the entire spiritual human life and guides all kinds of human creative activity. We show that the psychology of literary creation aims to trace the influence of unconscious on the creative work of a creative personality. The psychology of literary creation seeks to describe and classify the various manifestations of the unconscious in creative activity. Literary creativity is regarded as a special form of the generalized reflection of reality, talking in a specific language. Finally, we note that the disclosure of the peculiarity of the literary language and the individual style of the writer is not feasible without reference to the issue of the unconscious, without taking into account regularities and mechanisms of its operation.
Keywords: consciousness, unconscious, psychology of creativity, writer, creative intuition, literary creativity
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 47 — 58
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