DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-81-89
This article is devoted to the investigation of phenomenon of students’ everyday culture which is a cross-disciplinary problem. Everyday culture takes a significant place in the personal general culture and is a component of the general cultural competencies of the graduates of the university. It is the everyday culture that promotes establishment of harmonious relations within society, brings constructive interaction, in both process of interpersonal and business communication. From the standpoint of pedagogy, appealing to the problems of students’ everyday culture is conditioned by the significance of this phenomenon that is a basis of a personality’s socialization. The insufficient level of formation of everyday culture revealed as a result of the diagnosis allows us to speak about the relevance of this problem under consideration and necessity to develop the pedagogical conditions conducive to the formation of the everyday culture of students. The article analyzes the essence of everyday culture and the history of its comprehension through social and humanitarian knowledge. Also considered the pedagogical conditions of formation of everyday culture of students under conditions of modern higher school. The authors of this article are close to the idea of indirect formation of the values of everyday culture in a natural process, coupled with reasoning, reflexing and experience.
Keywords: everyday culture of students, everyday culture formation, students, higher education institution, code of ethics, university environment, environment approach
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 81 — 89
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