DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-96-101
The evolution of the value- semantic sphere of students of higher education institution during educational process promotes more successful training for professional activity and achievement of maturity. Relevance of the question is caused by changes in society, high-quality reorganization of an education system of the country. The federal educational standard forms inquiry to the university graduate, to his vocational training and personal qualities. In the priority are the development of subjectivity, tolerance, communicative competence, the value-semantic sphere of the individual. Modern competence-based approach in education relies on the process of an interiorization, it means that the student must not only acquire knowledge, but also grow personally. High potential of development of the value-semantic sphere of the personality is put in the educational process. It is necessary to consider organizational and important factors of psychology and pedagogical maintenance of personal formation of students of higher education institution. Organizational factors have to include specially developed technologies focused on independent work of students, dialogue style of communication between participants of educational process, expansion of a range of methodological approaches to the training material and oriented exercises for practice. Substantial factors should be aimed at understanding by students of their desires and opportunities, ideas about themselves in the future profession. It is very important that personal and professional values and meanings do not contradict each other and created harmonious structure.
Keywords: value- semantic sphere of the personality, professional becoming, selfdesign of the personality, logical analysis, competence approach
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 96 — 101
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