DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-126-131
The article deals with the issue of organizing effective mentoring as an activity support of a young specialist and a new teacher in the innovative school. Based on the speeches of the round table participants, traditional forms of mentoring organization are fixed. The authors analyze the results of the training seminars that were performed in the 2016/17 school year in the school of joint activity No. 49. The school is an internship site where the new approach to supervision is implemented. This approach is based on the concept of joint activity and educational innovation’s humanitarian management. The authors give the results of the seminar participants’ questioning, identify effective forms of supervision as joint teacher’s activity. The distinctive features of such activity are: different positions and roles of mentors, diversity of mentors, “floating” mentor, the professional development of all participants. The authors prove that nowadays one person cannot provide the productive supervision of a young specialist, who needs a qualified comprehensive assistance. It is shown that the seminar’s participants form a new view of supervision. Finally, it is concluded that only in an innovative school there is a special type of supervision as a humanitarian management of a teacher’s professional development who implements educational innovations.
Keywords: supervision support, joint activity, humanitarian management, educational innovations, professional development
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 126 — 131
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