DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-132-141
The paper presents the analytical review and gives classification parameters of the educational technology “Peer Coaching” (aims and goals, steps, forms of activity, etc.), it offers variants of its effective implementation in the work of high school teachers, shows some difficulties they might face while working with the technology and offers some practical guidelines of the most appropriate and efficient ways how to implement it in the teaching process of Russian Federation higher education. The study proves that “Peer Coaching” is one of the most successful technologies for the development of university teaching staff, that has the goal to advance the professionalism of teachers by training them to facilitate frequent, informal, helpful observations by one professional educator to another, to provide necessary rationale feedback and coach each other. The article shows that this is a simple, nonthreatening structure designed for peers to help each other to recognize their professional needs, improve instruction, learning situations or other teachers’ professional activity including even scientific research. “Peer Coaching” technology promotes not just the culture of collegiality among university teaching staff, it also offers many opportunities for their own professional development, which will do much to improve the quality of university education, restore friendly classroom environment and contribute to their own professional success.
Keywords: educational technology, professional development, university teaching staff, Peer Coaching
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 132 — 141
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