DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-142-148
One of the urgent tasks identified in the federal state educational standard of secondary special education is the study of the possibilities of secondary vocational schools in development of musical culture among future teachers of pre-school educational organizations. Materials of studying of levels of proficiency of future teachers of the preschool educational organizations are provided. According to the results of the diagnosis, the predominance of a low level of musical culture among the majority of students was recorded. The existing and established pedagogical conditions that envision the enrichment of the content of musical education with elements of classical music have changed significantly. The introduction of additions to the content of musical education of students in the implementation of a number of pedagogical conditions will significantly improve the level of musical culture of future teachers of pre-school organizations. Familiarizing future teachers with classical music is a complex process that requires a certain experience of perception, certain knowledge, zeal, attention. It should be noted that contrary to the expressed opinion about “low clarity” and “uninteresting” of classical music, it must be emphasized that classical music is always modern, interesting, it concerns the listener, does not leave indifferent, gives rise to discussion. In the conducted research we enriched the content of the discipline “Theory and technique of musical education with practical work” with pedagogical with musical culture.
Keywords: culture, music culture, kindergarten teacher, classical music
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 142 — 148
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