DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-149-157
The article deals with possibilities of the web quest educational technology for the development of foreign language communicative competence of undergraduate students. The author defines foreign language communicative competence as the ability and willingness of the student to act as the secondary language personality in various situations, i.e. to participate in intercultural communication. Foreign language communicative competence includes a set of components. The Russian version includes such components as: language, speech, socio-cultural, compensatory and educational-cognitive competence. In its turn, the all-European variant consists of such components as: linguistic competence, sociolinguistic competence, socio-cultural competence, discursive competence, strategic competence and social competence. Educational Web Quest is a website on the Internet, with which students work, performing this or that educational task. Such web quests are being developed for maximum integration of the Internet into various academic disciplines at different levels of learning in the learning process. They cover a particular problem, academic discipline, topic, and can be interdisciplinary. There are two types of web quests: for short-term and long-term work. A feature of educational web quests is that some or all of the information for independent or group work of trainees with it is on various websites. Effective use of web quests in the process of teaching foreign languages is possible when the web quest is a creative task that completes the study of a topic and is accompanied by training lexical and grammatical exercises based on the language material used in the web-quest of authentic resources. The step-by-step work with the web quests presented in the article made it possible to state the success of using this educational technology for the development of the bachelor’s communicative competence in another language.
Keywords: foreign language communicative competence, components of foreign language communicative competence, web-quest, web-quest educational technology, philological training of bachelors
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 149 — 157
Downloads: 1557