DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-158-165
The article reveals the features of flagship universities as drivers and think tanks of innovative development of regions. Regional flagship universities provide the labor market with highly qualified specialists, produce scientific ideas aimed at transforming the economy and socio-cultural sphere of the region, improving the quality of life of the population. The authors reflect on the effective ways to develop pedagogical education in a regional flagship university that meets the modern requirements of society, employers and professional and personal needs of students - future teachers, aimed at training competent graduates in demand in the modern education system of Russian regions. The article is devoted to the search for strategies for the development of pedagogical education in regional flagship universities, which can be used in various regions of Russia, taking into account the peculiarities of their sociocultural conditions. The interaction of the university and the region in the training of teachers able to carry out their professional activities in the conditions of the information society, the digitalization of the economy and education is shown. Particular emphasis is placed on the need to strengthen practical and project-oriented training of future teachers, more effective pedagogical practice, which allows students to acquire the primary experience of a real professional activity in various educational environments of the region. The authors of the article pay great attention to the problem of network interaction between the university and the educational organizations of the region, the use of design technologies in the educational process aimed at building students’ skills in the development of socially significant projects that are in demand on the regional market of educational services. The article points out the need to strengthen the training of students for educational work in the school, as well as the actualization of the potential educational opportunities of the cultural and historical environment of the region with the use of methods and technologies of ethnic pedagogy, museum pedagogy and educational tourism. The article notes the importance of acquiring additional competencies by the graduates of the regional flagship university, en suring their successful professional activity in the field of adult education, the training of people of the third age, in the system of additional education for children and adolescents.
Keywords: regional flagship university, digitalization of education, strategies for the development of pedagogical education, interaction between the university and the region, training future teachers at university
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 158 — 165
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